Thursday, November 6, 2008

My hero, Chick-Fil-A

Horaay! Finally, the first fundraiser has come upon us! It's an exciting one too. And pretty yummy at that.

Friday, the fourteenth of November, I will be holding a bake sale at the Chick-Fil-A in Westminster. This is the one on Englar Road in the Food Lion shopping center with the Joann Fabrics, not the one in the mall. It's from about 2:30-5 pm, roughly.

Now, you may be wondering what kind of yummy deserts there might be at this bake sale, or even where they might be coming from. That's where this thing turns into one big group effort. I need you!

If you have a knack for baking, or don't and need some practice, this is certainly your lucky day! If you would like to donate any baked goodies (brownies, cookies, breads, muffins, cakes, candy, pastries, etc.) I will take them off your hands with overwhelming gratitude. You can just drop them off at the church (or my house- whichever is easier) sometime early Friday. We'll probably run by the church around 1 or 1:30 to pick stuff up. Unless of course it's something than can be frozen and thawed, in which case you can drop it off whenever it's convenient.

Next on my list...

I will also be selling Chick-Fil-A 's 2009 calenders to accompany this fundraising effort. They sell for $6.00 a piece. The nice part is each month features coupons so that, in turn, they end up paying for themselves after the first month. Pretty sweet, huh? They will be available at the bake sale and beyond. Pictures to come...

So, with that said, if you feel that you could donate any baked treats, whether they be healthy or not so healthy, please leave me a comment with your name, what you plan on cookin', and about how much you'd like to give. Or in case the calenders strike your fancy, just comment me and let me know.

Thanks so much you all- this should be pretty cool!


Anonymous said...

Hi Marilyn, You are so amazing!! I'll be here to help with the bake sale. I can't wait. You are my hero! Keep moving forward but let God guide you!!
You know who

Anonymous said...

Hey Marilyn,
Not sure what I will make yet, got to talk to my mom. But if you need any help at chick-fil-a let me know, i do know i can be there.
I can't wait ot start baking,

Marilyn said...

Hey Curley Anna!
Sounds great! Are you going to the retreat? I think we're leaving straighr from Chick-fil-A, so if you're going that's nice and easy...if not maybe you could get picked up? But yeah, I could definatly use your help!

I'm sooo excited that you're gonna bake something! (ok so at the bake sale DON'T let me eat it).
